Methods of treatment
For thousands of years formed the system of Oriental medicine who has mastered a scientific knowledge of China, Tibet, India and adjacent lands. At the heart of this system is the requirement as early diagnosis of disease and, if possible - prevention of the disease by maintaining health throughout life. The doctor of Oriental medicine must have a whole set of knowledge to combat various diseases.
Tibetan medicine has a large medical complex physiotherapy techniques. This acupuncture, massage, heating, water treatment and many of the traditional methods. Their application allows you to successfully treat a variety of diseases and for many years to maintain health.
Proper nutrition, a sensible diet - one of the cornerstones of Oriental Medicine. A healthy lifestyle - a broad concept that includes many components, including diet, good sleep, a normal sexual life, etc. Implementation of physician recommendations in this area is the best prevention of various diseases.
Medicines used in oriental medicine, are always created on a natural basis. It is most often herbal extracts, although they can also be used by the secrets of animal origin and certain minerals.Medication in oriental medicine is closely related to the patient recommended diet. Many medicinal plants are included in the daily meal as a food or food additives, so that the line between medicine and food are often blurred. The union of these two methods maximizes natural treatment.
Staff in the center of Tibetan Medicine "Emchi 'use in the work required a comprehensive approach to treating patients. Doctors Hospital - a highly skilled experts in the field of acupuncture, fluent in its methods and correctly combine them together.
As a result, the treatment methods of Tibetan medicine is transformed in the process does not eliminate the individual symptoms, and a system recovery and strengthen the body's defenses. Its specialists have successfully treated their patients, using all major areas of reflexology.
• Auriculotherapy allows the doctor reflexively influence the internal organs through the active points of the ear.
• Acupuncture, or treatment with needles, copes with diseases of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urogenital system and skin disorders.
• Manual therapy restores free flow of energy through the meridians, removing blocks and clamps, resulting in a normalization of the function of affected organs.
• Acupressure or finger on the point of impact - an excellent alternative to acupuncture, it is good practice for any pathology.
• Moksoterapiya - Treatment by heat wormwood cigars , which is conducted by contact or contactless.
• Stone Therapy involves the use of heated to a certain temperature, or, conversely, chilled stones, which, when overlaying on biologically active points massage them reflexively improving the functioning of internal organs.
• Su-Jok therapy, or exposure to at special points of hands and feet, used alone or in combination with other methods.
• Treatment methods of Tibetan medicine, and involves the application of leeches. Hirudotherapy eliminates congestion, improving blood flow and, hence, the metabolic processes in the problem domain.
• Vacuum (cupping), massage also improves circulation, eliminates stagnant manifestations in tissues, normalizes metabolism.
• Acupuncture, or treatment with needles, copes with diseases of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urogenital system and skin disorders.
• Manual therapy restores free flow of energy through the meridians, removing blocks and clamps, resulting in a normalization of the function of affected organs.
• Acupressure or finger on the point of impact - an excellent alternative to acupuncture, it is good practice for any pathology.
• Moksoterapiya - Treatment by heat wormwood cigars , which is conducted by contact or contactless.
• Stone Therapy involves the use of heated to a certain temperature, or, conversely, chilled stones, which, when overlaying on biologically active points massage them reflexively improving the functioning of internal organs.
• Su-Jok therapy, or exposure to at special points of hands and feet, used alone or in combination with other methods.
• Treatment methods of Tibetan medicine, and involves the application of leeches. Hirudotherapy eliminates congestion, improving blood flow and, hence, the metabolic processes in the problem domain.
• Vacuum (cupping), massage also improves circulation, eliminates stagnant manifestations in tissues, normalizes metabolism.
Clinic of Tibetan Medicine "Emchi" uses all of these methods in various combinations, depending on the specific situation, and concurrently uses herbal medicine as an alternative to drugs.
This approach allows the physician to quickly achieve the desired result, and the patient felt a significant improvement after the first treatment sessions.